Korean Skin Care, Hair Care & Beauty Products


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Beauty is a personal journey and we are here to guide you along the way. All our products are specially curated to unleash your natural beauty.

Real People, Real Reviews

Here's what our customers have to say about their experience with
Stellar K-Beauty and our beauty experts.


Was really impressed with the treatment. It gives me frizzy free hair and even easy to blow my hair.


Love it! It works fuss-free. Very simple to apply and it instantly becomes smoother after washing.


I love silky smooth hair but hates staying in the bathroom for too long. MASIL 8 Seconds Hair Mask is my life saviour!


No more bad hair day! This product is perfect for my bleached hair.


Smooth and silky hair after every wash... my favourite part is that it only takes 8 seconds. Much healthier and shiny hair now.


The effect can be seen in the last image, which depicts the effect after my first use, when I washed and blow-dried my hair, and it was really smooth.


Absolutely love it! Very easy to use, I apply onto scalp directly. Love how smooth & manageable to comb after blowdrying.


It instantly makes my dry hair softer. I replaced my everyday conditioner with this product. Awesome!

Discover Stellar K

We're totally about K-Beauty! Our mission is to empower all women to unleash their natural beauty - because we believe that nothing is more important than feeling healthy and confident in your own skin. That’s why we are committed to finding the best K-Beauty brands for Asian skin types, so that you can live each day to the fullest.


The perfect makeup collection to create different looks to suit various occasions effortlessly. Enjoy the breathtaking beauty that your skin loves.

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Skin Care

Boost and energize your looks with skin care targeting specific skin concerns and skin types such as oily skin, sensitive skin and many more.

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Hair Care

Explore our top-rated Korean beauty hair care products, targeted for different hair concerns. We want to empower women to feel confident in their own skin.

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BLACKPINK Rosé In-Flight Beauty Secrets

BLACKPINK Rosé In-Flight Beauty Secrets

It's no secret that BLACKPINK girls are beautiful. Among the BLACKPINK members, Rosé has the fairest skin. Do you know about her skincare routine? If you have ever been envious of Rosé's glowing skin, here...
5 Korean Beauty Tips From Your Favourite K-Drama and K-Pop Celebrities

5 Korean Beauty Tips From Your Favourite K-Drama and K-Pop Celebrities

If you’ve ever wondered what it is like to have that same glow as your favourite Korean celebrities or need a little pick-me-up from your them to get that skin regime going? Let...
Turn Your Skin Care Routine Into A Self-Care Ritual

Turn Your Skin Care Routine Into A Self-Care Ritual

With the pandemic being as unpredictable as it is, we find ourselves constantly anxious about what will happen next because we have no control over it. So, how do we get our control...

Stellar K

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