6 Misconceptions About Sagging Skin & How You Can Fix It WITHOUT Surgery

Get tips on what you CAN and SHOULD do to get rid of neck lines, double chins, and droopy eyelids.

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1. Only older folks get saggy skin

🗣️ “I’m in my 30s but I keep getting asked to prove my age now whenever I buy alcohol. So troublesome!”

FALSE! The biggest myth of all, it is NOT TRUE that your skin only starts sagging once you’ve hit the big 4 0.

Research has shown that collagen production decreases in your 20s, and less collagen means less elasticity in your skin. This results in sagging facial skin, which can create the illusion of dull skin, visible pores, deeper laugh lines, and of course, a drooping jawline.

Better start getting that collagen intake early and start looking out for elastin in your skincare products!


2. Being “skinny” will always give you a sharp jawline

FALSE! Regardless of how lean you appear, some people are genetically predisposed to look like they have a “fatty neck” or double chin.

This is because your genes can impact how elastic your skin is, how much collagen its makes, and where fat is stored in your body. With little elasticity, your skin may be unable to hold the fat around the chin and neck firmly.

So if you’re ever wondering why your fatty neck lines and double chin just won’t go away, this may be the reason.


3. Guasha & face yoga can tighten your skin & make your face appear smaller

🗣️ “I never thought about how collagen is diluted with other things when in cream or gel form. Now I feel so cheated when I think about all the other collagen products I used to buy!”

FALSE - unless paired with other treatment options for saggy skin.

As mentioned above, the main cause of saggy, loose skin is the lack of elasticity in your skin. This elasticity can only be improved if your skin’s collagen and elastin levels increase.

If collagen is the structural support for your skin’s firmness, elastin is the protein that’s a thousand times more flexible than collagen, giving your skin the ability to stretch and return to it’s original position. AKA, that bouncy feel associated with a youthful complexion. 

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4. Only a face lift can eliminate your sagging skin permanently

🗣️ “I spent so much money to buy products recommended by my dermatologist, but now I hardly use them…”

FALSE, and FALSE! There are two things wrong with this statement.

1) Face-lift results will never be permanent. As you age, the skin on your face will begin to droop again. You can only expect results to last for approximately 10 years.

2) Surgery is not the only way to go! Besides, why choose such a high-risk and expensive treatment option of going under the knife? If possible, opt for non-invasive, low commitment treatments first such as ReVcell’s lifting serum.


5. Creams & serums are ineffective against sagging skin

🗣️ “I’ve tried other collagen products but nothing works as well as ReVcell. Looks like I am ReVcell’s prisoner now.”

FALSE AGAIN. It depends entirely on the ingredient makeup.

If the cream or serum contains regular collagen and elastin, then yes, these will do nothing for your skin’s elasticity. The molecules are too big to penetrate through your skin’s outermost layer, aka the epidermis, where it matters most.

However, ReVcell’s lifting serum uses Hydrolyzed Collagen and Hydrolyzed Elastin. It's still collagen and elastin, just broken down into a size that can be absorbed by the skin. This helps to improve your skin elasticity effectively, which is why customers constantly rave about its immediate lifting effect.

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6. Fillers are the next best way to tighten my skin & slim my face w/o surgery

🗣️ “It absorbs so fast that it almost feels like nothing is being absorbed into my skin. How do I know if it really works?”

False, false, FALSE! If you're going to get dermal fillers, which are expensive, temporary, and comes with the risk of stretching out your skin over time (leaving you with even saggier skin), why not try a cheaper alternative that's also temporary but has way less side effects? Think ReVcell’s lifting serum, which gives you instant results for the next 8 hours and only costs as low as $40 per bottle!

P.S. If you have certain conditions such as bleeding disorders, or naturally poor skin elasticity, dermal fillers are highly not recommended either.

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1. Only older folks get saggy skin

🗣️ “I don’t put foundation any more since my skin looks great now. What am I supposed to do with the rest of it?!”

FALSE! The biggest myth of all, it is NOT TRUE that your skin only starts sagging once you’ve hit the big 4 0.

Research has shown that collagen production decreases in your 20s, and less collagen means less elasticity in your skin. This results in sagging facial skin, which can create the illusion of dull skin, visible pores, deeper laugh lines, and of course, a drooping jawline.

Better start getting that collagen intake early and start looking out for elastin in your skincare products!

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2. Being “skinny” will always give you a sharp jawline

🗣️ “I’m in my 30s but I keep getting asked to prove my age now whenever I buy alcohol. So troublesome!”

FALSE! Regardless of how lean you appear, some people are genetically predisposed to look like they have a “fatty neck” or double chin.

This is because your genes can impact how elastic your skin is, how much collagen its makes, and where fat is stored in your body. With little elasticity, your skin may be unable to hold the fat around the chin and neck firmly.

So if you’re ever wondering why your fatty neck lines and double chin just won’t go away, this may be the reason.

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3. Guasha & face yoga can tighten your skin & make your face appear smaller

🗣️ “I spent so much money to buy products recommended by my dermatologist, but now I hardly use them…”

FALSE - unless paired with other treatment options for saggy skin.

As mentioned above, the main cause of saggy, loose skin is the lack of elasticity in your skin. This elasticity can only be improved if your skin’s collagen and elastin levels increase.

If collagen is the structural support for your skin’s firmness, elastin is the protein that’s a thousand times more flexible than collagen, giving your skin the ability to stretch and return to it’s original position. AKA, that bouncy feel associated with a youthful complexion.

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4. Only a face lift can eliminate your sagging skin permanently

🗣️ “I never thought about how collagen is diluted with other things when in cream or gel form. Now I feel so cheated when I think about all the other collagen products I used to buy!”

FALSE, and FALSE! There are two things wrong with this statement.

1) Face-lift results will never be permanent. As you age, the skin on your face will begin to droop again. You can only expect results to last for approximately 10 years.

2) Surgery is not the only way to go! Besides, why choose such a high-risk and expensive treatment option of going under the knife? If possible, opt for non-invasive, low commitment treatments first such as ReVcell’s lifting serum.

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5. Creams & serums are ineffective against sagging skin

🗣️ “I’ve tried other collagen products but nothing works as well as ReVcell. Looks like I am ReVcell’s prisoner now.”

Did you know that there are:

1) 2 main sources (marine vs bovine) of collagen, and
2) 3 different types of collagen in the human body?!

The reason why you enjoy visible results without any downtime is because ReVcell uses Marine Collagen (Type 1) derived from Hoki Fish.

Marine Collagen is best suited for skin absorption, having proven to be metabolically compatible with epidermal growth and not at risk of disease transmission, unlike bovine collagen. On top of that, Type 1 collagen is the one responsible for making sure your skin cells maintain their firmness!


6. Fillers are the next best way to tighten my skin & slim my face w/o surgery

False, false, FALSE! If you're going to get dermal fillers, which are expensive, temporary, and comes with the risk of stretching out your skin over time (leaving you with even saggier skin), why not try a cheaper alternative that's also temporary but has way less side effects?

Think ReVcell’s lifting serum, which gives you instant results for the next 8 hours and only costs as low as $40 per bottle!

 P.S. If you have certain conditions such as bleeding disorders, or naturally poor skin elasticity, dermal fillers are highly not recommended either.

ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator) - Stellar K-Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator) - Stellar K - Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator) - Stellar K - Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator) - Stellar K - Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Active Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+applicator) - Stellar K-Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator) - Stellar K-Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator) - Stellar K - Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator) - Stellar K - Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator) - Stellar K - Beauty
ReVcell - ReVcell Skin Active Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+applicator) - Stellar K-Beauty
ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator)

ReVcell Skin Activ Lifting Ampoule 55ml (+ applicator)




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